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Avery Jean’s Hot Air Balloon Baby Shower

My baby shower in Ulysses was over Easter weekend and I cannot imagine a better turnout! Everything was perfect and I am so blessed to have so many amazing people in my life! We had the shower at the Celebration Church in Ulysses.

4 Generations...only one is still cooking!!
4 Generations…only one is still cooking!!
Laura, Kelley, and me before the shower.
Laura, Kelley, and me before the shower.

There were so many people that helped put the party together. A huge thank you to all the ladies that had a part in putting it on!  Thank you mom, Laura, Kelley, Heather, Shalie, Grandma Bloesser, Grandma Underhill, and Alex’s mom JoAnn.  They all did such a wonderful job putting it together! Also a huge thank you to Shalie for handing me gifts and My cousin Charly for recording gifts for me!!

I love my invitations! Kelly always does a great job with those details! Thanks lady!
I love my invitations! Kelly always does a great job with those details! Thanks lady!

My favorite part of the shower was the headband station.  I am not a fan of games at showers.  As many of you know, I am a HUGE Pinterester, I came across a few pins on headband stations.  Kelley and Laura set me up with the best headband station!  They had a frame with sizes the guests could measure the elastic at to fit Avery at different ages.  There were even little tags that people could write their names and sizes on so I knew who made what!  I am sure we will not have to buy headbands anytime soon!  My cousin Melanie made a TON of them!  She even finished them off after the shower until we were out of materials!

Headband Station!
Headband Station!
My cousins Melanie and Charly at the headband station.
My cousins Melanie and Charly at the headband station.
Avery is loaded up with all kinds of headbands!
Avery is loaded up with all kinds of headbands!

My mom, Grandma Bloesser, Heather, and Britney made the most adorable cake pops!  They looked like little babies in bonnets and were super yummy!  The green ones were covered in sprinkles and were lime flavored, which was a surprise when you took a bite.

Gotta love Pinterest! These turned out super cute!
Gotta love Pinterest! These turned out super cute!

Alex’s mom made the most amazing mints!  She used to make wedding cakes and stuff for people, so I knew she would make some good ones.  She had a few tricks up her sleeve.  She had three flavors and cute little hot air balloon and cloud molds.  The white clouds were buttercream, the mint hot air balloons were a traditional mint, and the coral hot air balloons were cinnamon.  The cinnamon were my favorite!  She did such a great job.

Alex's mom and me before the shower.
Alex’s mom and me before the shower.
The mints and cookie display. So yummy!
The mints and cookie display. So yummy!

My Grandma Underhill made her famous punch!  I usually like mine spiked with a little Bacardi O, but not until after the baby is born!  Everyone loved it and were gushing about how delicious it was!

My Grandma Underhill and me before the shower started.
My Grandma Underhill and me before the shower started.

I am planning on doing a digital baby book that I can have printed, so I wanted a sign in that I could sign. After browsing Pinterest, I was set on a hot air balloon fingerprint guest book. It turned out really cute!

Guest Book
Guest Book
Close up of the guest book. Love this!
Close up of the guest book. Love this!

I was overwhelmed by the turnout!  It was such a beautiful shower and we could not have asked for a better day!  Avery is already spoiled and she isn’t even here yet!  Thank you to everyone who came out and supported us and showered us with gifts and love!

A few more pics from the day…

Alex's cousin Stephane, Alex's goddaughter Karly and me after the shower.
Alex’s cousin Stephane, Alex’s goddaughter Karly and me after the shower.
Ashlee and her adorable daughter Lennyn! Her face is priceless!! My lil ginger!!
Ashlee and her adorable daughter Lennyn! Her face is priceless!! My lil ginger!!






1 thought on “Avery Jean’s Hot Air Balloon Baby Shower

  1. LOVED helping with your shower and I LOVE little Avery Jean already 🙂 xoxo

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