Words cannot express how exciting it is when the time comes to welcome a new baby into this world. Family is the most amazing gift we have in life and I am so blessed to have such amazing people in mine! My cousin Melanie has been busy getting ready for her little boy’s debut.

Melanie has the sweetest baby room ready to bring that baby home to! She decided on a “Dr. Seuss” theme nursery, which I LOVE! What is not to love about Dr. Seuss?? His numerous stories, cartoons, and riddles are so stimulating and magical! (In fact, we watched a Dr. Seuss movie in school the other day and it was so fun to watch the kids expressions while they were watching it in amazement!)

It was only fitting that I came up with a project for my newest family member! I was excited when Melanie told me she was doing Dr. Seuss because last school year I taught my second graders to draw Dr. Seuss by following a link on Pinterest. Turns out, it really was not that hard and mine turned out pretty good! I was even inspired to try to start drawing some in my free time.

And guess who decided to make an appearance yesterday!…

Meet the Brewer’s