I just finished one of the sweetest projects for Avery’s nursery! I am obsessed with hot air balloons right now, so when I found a pattern for a hot air balloon mobile, I had to have it! I found the link on an Etsy store named CraftSchmaft. It is only $9 and well worth it! They even have bundles with the pattern and fabric panels! I chose to just get the pattern, since they didn’t have any that went perfect with my mint and coral theme.
I was a little nervous at first, because sometimes patterns scare me a little. It was really easy to follow along. The only thing I did differently was the baskets. The pattern calls for felt that you use embroidery thread to make look like a basket and you put it together yourself. I tried one and wanted a more authentic basket, so I went back to Etsy and found some miniature baskets that were PERFECT from loveitshabby2. Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE ETSY?!
I also wanted something that moved around and had some music to it. I found a mobile arm with music box on Amazon.com. It plays “You are My Sunshine” which is one of my favorites! I was worried that the bars on my crib were not going to work with the part that attaches to the crib, so I had some ideas in case it didn’t. Luckily it fit perfectly and I didn’t have to worry about it!

Check out a video of the mobile in motion at on my YouTube channel.

Did you use a sewing machine to make these or did you do it by hand?
DId you use a sewing machine to make these? I love them!