I have been experimenting with some banana bread recipes. My goal has been to try to make one that I can make from things that I have around the house and to not need to run to the store for anything. (Ok so I did have Alex pick up some walnuts but by the time I got around to making it, they had been in the cupboard for a few days!) We eat a lot of bananas in this house. We usually pick up two bunches at a time. One ready to go and another that is nice and green and will be ready by the time we get through the others. I have never been a huge banana fan. They are ok, but they are definitely growing on me! I like them when they are perfect but once they start to brown they gross me out! Too slimy for my taste! That’s why I have been on the hunt for the perfect banana bread recipe!
I made some banana muffins last week that my Instructional Coach told me about. I was getting ready to go out of town, so I did not get a picture or anything but they were pretty good for a healthy alternative! You can find this recipe at 100 Days of Real Food. I am always looking for something even more delicious, so I decided to hunt on for some new recipes. The one I based this one off of can be found at Fit Sugar. This one is a bit different than what I came up with but that is just how I do it! Come to think about it, the banana muffins recipe I added applesauce for a kick and this one already called for it. I decided to substitute an extra banana for the diced apple, though I may have to try that sometime. I just needed to use up all of the bananas. The recipe also called for sugar and I decided to use honey and brown sugar instead to give it more of a rich taste. I was going to just use honey but I decided the brown sugar would kick it up a notch.
3 ripe bananas
1/2 cup apple sauce
1/3 cup honey
1/3 cup brown sugar (a little extra for topping if desired)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 3/4 cup flour
1 cup crushed walnuts


This turned out even better than I would have guessed! I was very happy with the flavor. If I were to do it differently, I would add half of the walnut/brown sugar mix to the batter and just top it off with the other half. It came out almost overflowing with walnuts and they were not sticking to all of it. Other than that I would actually use this one again! It was delicious. I would like to try some chocolate chips in my next one but that is the fat girl in me! I will at least make it dark chocolate since I LOVE LOVE LOVE that anyways and it is a bit better for you.