I have been wanting to start a new blog for awhile. I did a blog a few years ago called “Live, Laugh, & Losing Weight”. I had been in Kansas City for a few years and decided to get back into shape and blog about it while I went along. My my best friend Laura had been really getting into running and I thought I would give it a try. Running opened up a whole world of stress relief for me. I was serving full time and doing my student teaching which is a full time job itself. Somehow I motivated myself to get up early and run my butt off! I really enjoyed it and what I enjoyed even MORE was the weight that was shedding off! I was in the best shape of my life and I felt great.
If you read up on my old blog you can get the full insight on my struggles with weight and depression. In 2008 I found myself tipping the scale at a whopping 171 lbs and completely miserable with my life. I lost 35 lbs before leaving Hays, KS (my college town) and came up to Kansas City much more confident in myself and feeling better than I had felt since high school (or so I thought at the time!) I moved up to the Kansas City area in May of 2008 and was weighing 136 lbs which I never would have thought I was capable of that! I was not done losing weight but with the stress of moving and that thing called “life” things got kind of crazy but I did seem to maintain my weight pretty easily.
In 2011, I was back up to 141 lbs which really isn’t bad for 3 years of doing some fitness at my apartment complex and walking Chloe and Mia at a park down the street. Finally I decided to get back into shape as I was going on a cruise in April. In January I really started watching what I was eating. I picked up a copy of the new Weight Watcher’s Points Plus books and started a food diary to help out along the way. Logging what I was actually putting in my body helped me a lot throughout this journey. I did very well on it and lost 18 lbs by the time I went on my cruise four months later.

Here I am two years later and my battle continues as I have gained every lb back and plus a few 🙁 I am turing 30 this year, which really freaks me out! I can’t believe I am actually going to be hitting the 30 club in four months! I have been stressed out about a lot of stuff lately and I feel like it is time to get myself back on the wagon and start my 30s off with a BANG! I feel like it is time to make the conscious decision to start being healthy and living my life the way I should. I am so blessed with such amazing friends and family and I owe it to myself to be the best that I can be. I am so excited to start a new year fresh and make some amazing changes this year.