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My First Half

Half Crazy_Magnet & Sticker

So yesterday I crossed a major milestone.  I ran my first half marathon!  Most people think I am crazy, but those out there who have had the pleasure of learning to love running don’t!  I was never a big runner until my best friend, Laura motivated me to try it.  I remember hating to run when I was in school and I was never very good at it.  I ran the 200 m dash in track back in 7th grade but I was not good at it.  I was just trying it out.  I wish I would have gotten into cross country in high school because I think I would have really enjoyed it!

The first race I ran was in July of 2011.  I ran it with Tracey and Roger

Before the race
Before the race
Ready to go!
Ready to go!
Post Race
Post Race
It was a hot one!
It was a hot one!

I remember thinking while I was running that I was NEVER going to be able to do a half marathon.  I probably should have started off with a 5K but I was trying to challenge myself.  I did run it in 58:34 which was a pretty good pace for me!  It was good to get my first race under my belt!

I did my second race in March the next year.  Tracy is a track star, so I did not keep up with her but it was liberating to do another race.  It was the Diva Dash in Leawood.  I was surrounded by motivating women and it was a cool experience!

Tracey and me at last year's Diva Dash 2012
Tracey and me at last year’s Diva Dash 2012

The next race was in May here in Kansas City.  I had heard about the Warrior Dash the year before from one of my friends that had ran it in Tulsa and it sounded like so much fun!  Now this is not a normal race, as it is a 5K with obstacles.  It was really hot and we were signed up for the 2:00 heat, but we made it through!  Alex, Matt, Heather, Tracey, and Roger ran this race with me.  It was pretty hard core!  We swam through swampy water, climbed walls, and ran through fire among many other obstacles!  I wanted to run it again this year but we got back from the Dominican on late Friday and the race was scheduled for the 27th of April this year so we did not get a chance to do it.

The whole gang before the race!
The whole gang before the race!
Sister time!
Sister time!
Gettin' dirty!
Gettin’ dirty!
This is how muddy we were after the run...I washed mud out of places I didn't even know I had! lol
This is how muddy we were after the run…I washed mud out of places I didn’t even know I had! lol
Sexy ladies!
Sexy ladies!
Post race <3
Post race <3

Last March I got the opportunity to run the Diva Dash again with some teachers from my school!  It was a fun experience and hopefully we can start forming teams for more races!

Turner Elementary Divas
Turner Elementary Divas
My Bling!
My Bling!

I was originally going to run my first half with the bestie, Laura.  Her hubby ended up getting a promotion and job offer in New Mexico and they had a lot on their plate to get the move going!  We decided it would be better to find another one later to run together when things calmed down and they got all moved.  I had already started training and thought maybe I still wanted to do a race before then.  So I bit the bullet and signed up for here in Olathe so I could keep motivated and keep my training going.  I am glad  I did it and it feels great to be able to say I did it.

Me before the race.  I was a little nervous but excited!
Me before the race. I was a little nervous but excited!
Post half!
Post half!

I am so happy to continue my running journey!  I am looking forward to finding some races to do this summer.  If you aren’t a runner, don’t say you couldn’t do it.  I thought the same thing and I have just accomplished running something I would have never dreamed I would be able to do and it feels great!  Running is such a great stress reliever and if you have never really given it a shot, I challenge you to get out there and try it out!  Start small and build yourself up!  I can remember the first time I ran 3 miles without stopping…then 7….then 10!  It feels amazing!

Happy Running!!

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I Shitzu Not

My babies!
Mia and Chloe
Mia and Chloe
This is one of my favorite pictures of Chloe!  She is such a cute baby!!
This is one of my favorite pictures of Chloe! She is such a cute baby!!

So despite things being pretty crazy in my life lately…I felt like I needed to have a little blog post about my babies! I thought it would be fun to go through some pictures to reminisce a bit. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am crazy about my babies! I have been since the day I got them. After graduating from college I decided it was time to get a dog. Chloe was the cutest baby!! We spent every minute together. Chloe has taught me so much about life. I love her more than anything and I cannot imagine what life will be like when she is not with me anymore. I hate to think about it but I know that it is inevitable so I make sure to treasure every moment I have with her. She is such a sweet spirit and so full of energy. She doesn’t want to miss out on anything!

Even at 8 years old, Chloe would play all day long if she could! Don’t get me wrong…she loves her nap time but even when she is sleeping she will wake up alert to the sound of a toy! Chloe loves her toys. She knows their names and will go get the. If you ask her to. She goes through her favorites but she never seems to forget one! She is very smart and such a sweetheart!

She loves her ball!
This is Chloe and her best friend Clarece.  She carries her around like it is her baby and just licks it all day!
This is Chloe and her best friend Clarece. She carries her around like it is her baby and just licks it all day!
If Clarece is out of sight it is because she has been misplaced...which doesn't happen very often!
If Clarece is out of sight it is because she has been misplaced…which doesn’t happen very often!

She definitely loves her mama as she is always by my side. I can remember a time this year when I was sick and in bed for almost 4 days straight and she didn’t leave my side!  Chloe doesn’t only take care of me, but she also takes care of her baby sister, Mia. I had Chloe for about 9 months before I was itching for another one. (I always say Shitzus are like Pringles you can’t just have one!) I felt bad leaving her in the kennel when I was at work all day and I just knew she needed a friend. So along came Mia in March of 2006. I got her from the same breeder that I got Chloe but different parents. Originally I wanted a black and white Shitzu to compliment Chloe’s brown and white coat. The lady I got them from said she had some rare all black Shitzus that I might like.

Mia in a Big Gulp cup!  She was so tiny!
Mia in a Big Gulp cup! She was so tiny!
This is a picture of Mia when I went to pick her out from the breeder.  She was such a sweet girl!
This is a picture of Mia when I went to pick her out from the breeder. She was such a sweet girl!

I was in love! Mia was jut as sweet as could be. Having a second dog sounded so overwhelming to everyone but I was up for the challenge. It did not go quite how I had expected though. Chloe did not seem to mind having a friend but Mia was not “bonding” with me like a normal pup would. When I got her she had ear mites and I had to give her drops and she HATED that! She would growl at me and wouldn’t really come to me. I even called the breeder and told her I wasn’t sure it was going to work. I didn’t want to get rid of her but it was almost like she didn’t like me! It was heartbreaking but we made it through and now she is quite the mama’s baby!

Sweet pup!
Sweet pup!

It’s funny how different they are though. Chloe is bouncy an bubbly and very social and Mia reminds me more of a sloth! She is lazy and rarely likes to play. She has her moments but she is kind of a snot! I always say she’s more like a cat trapped in a doggy body! She loves to lay in the window and sunbathe while she sleeps her whole days away!

Mia sunbathing in her favorite spot!
Mia sunbathing in her favorite spot!
Mia has one friend she likes...Eeyore!  Which is so funny because their personalities are very much the same!  This was actually not a posed picture....She pulled Eeyore up on the couch with her and put her there!  So sweet!
Mia has one friend she likes…Eeyore! Which is so funny because their personalities are very much the same! This was actually not a posed picture….She pulled Eeyore up on the couch with her and put her there! So sweet!

Mia may be lazy but she is definitely ready to get into trouble. Last summer we grilled a ton of chicken quarters for supper. We went out to toss the softball around for awhile outside. When we walked in the door I chewed Alex out for giving Chloe a chicken bone. He was like I didn’t give her anything. Turns out little Miss Mia got up on a chair and hopped up on the table and devoured all of the chicken. Chloe got caught red handed but I am convinced she was just finishing what Mia had started. Either way, both dogs had eaten ALL but 2 of the 8 chicken quarters that were on the table…bone and all! We were pissed but I was more worried than mad because here my little babies just are a bunch of chicken bones! That is one thing I knew they were not supposed to have in case they choked! There was nothing I could do for them and I could tell Mia had her fair share because she didn’t act like she felt well at all.

Mia being naughty at Grandma's house!  That would be a coffee table she likes to climb on and chew up pine cones or potpourri that is out!  She is a naughty girl!
Mia being naughty at Grandma’s house! That would be a coffee table she likes to climb on and chew up pine cones or potpourri that is out! She is a naughty girl!
Chloe can be a dirty girl when she wants to be too!
Chloe can be a dirty girl when she wants to be too!

Needless to say I did not sleep well that night; not did we get leftovers for lunch the next day! I was still serving at Red Lobster at the time and Alex was home with the dogs the next day. They made it through the night ok so I figured we were out of the woods. Alex was working in his office that morning and he heard Chloe screaming and screeching for help. When he got downstairs Mia was on the couch in a puddle of vomit and chicken bones. He said she was unresponsive and he picked her up and she fell back and whatever was lodged in her throat came out. For a minute he said he thought to himself…”I’m going to have to put my mouth on this dog!” Luckily there was no need for the hemlich and it all worked out. I was so relieved to find out that she was okay and that Chloe helped save the day! She’s my own little Lassie dog!

They are photogenic just like their mama!!
They are photogenic just like their mama!!

Alex says that they are the ying and yang of my personality. Chloe is my perky side and Mia is my lazy (and occasionally bitchy!) side. I cannot imagine not having them both! They are truly like my kiddos and I love them unconditionally.  If you have a pet I can imagine you know the feeling and it is amazing!  Mia is sitting in my lap right now as I am typing this up!

Yes we have had professional pictures taken! Had to have a good Christmas card!
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May Flowers

April Showers Bring May Flowers!!
April Showers Bring May Flowers!!

I have been making some really fun bulletin boards with my Cricut!  This winter I had a snow bulletin that had my kids doing all of the things they enjoy doing in the snow!  There were ice skaters, snowball fights, and kiddos making snow angels!  It was something I had found on Pinterest..I am sure you are shocked!  This one, however, was my idea!  At the beginning of April, I knew that I wanted to use my Cricut to make a cute spring scene.  Things had just been super crazy and I hadn’t had time to sit down and figure out what I was going to do with it.

April 1st came out of nowhere so I decided to make it a working piece!  This was my lazy way of not having to get it all put up right away with everything going on.  It actually turned out really cute and I am glad that I did it that way!  I had each one of the second grade teachers pose for me as if they were holding an umbrella.  I printed us off in 8×10 pictures and cut out our bodies.  Then I just whipped up four beautiful umbrellas with my Cricut along with the words and some raindrops.  The rest was pretty easy, in fact I ended up reusing the snow from my winter bulletin for the clouds and switched the snow out for some green grass and left the blue sky up!  I was pretty impressed with my “up”cycling and saving some paper in the process!

Meet my team!
Meet my team!
Ms. Shultz
Ms. Shultz
This is Denise Gillis.  She has been so much fun to teach with!  She is an absolute inspiration and I have learned so much from her!
Mrs. Gillis
This is my girl Amber Heather.  We clicked naturally right away!  We are the same age and obviously have the same name so that is cool and confusing all together!  She is amazing with her kiddos and I love teaching with her! We have developed a special friendship...she even watched the pups when we went to the Dominican!
Mrs. Heather
Ms. Nuckles
Ms. Nuckles


On May 1st my second grade class magically appeared!  The other classes will be sprouting up as well…Pictures to come!

Love the panorama view!
Love the panorama view!


I plan on doing more bulletins like this next year!  I have a feeling my classroom is going to “get Cricut-ed” this summer!  The kids love seeing their pictures up on the board.  I am going to have to start brainstorming a good one for the beginning of school next year…





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Makeup Makeover

Want a fun way to store your makeup so you do not have to dig through your makeup bag every morning??
Want a fun way to store your makeup so you do not have to dig through your makeup bag every morning??

I am not quite sure what I would do without Pinterest!  This is a project I did about a month ago and here I am just getting it posted!  I hate having to dig through my makeup bag every morning for my basics that I use almost every day.  I rarely switch things up very often.  I am simple as in I either go with blacks or browns depending on what I am wearing for the most part.  This is obviously not everything in my makeup bag but I just wanted the things I use all the time to be readily available.  What I love about this is the fact that it gives me a little “artwork” for the wall too!

Now this was a very simple task minus the reorganizing it took for me to get it put in a good place for me to conveniently use it.  I bought all of the stuff to make it and realized that since my side of the sink was by the towel rack I was not sure where I was going to hang it.  Alex was thrilled when I asked him if we could trade sinks so I could hang it up where I could reach it easily (not really!).  I told him to relax because I would do all of the work and he would not have to worry about anything.

This was not exactly my idea of a good time...but in the end I organized and threw away a bunch of stuff so I didn't mind!  You can imagine Alex's face when he walked into this.  I assured him that it would be ok!  Lol
This was not exactly my idea of a good time…but in the end I organized and threw away a bunch of stuff so I didn’t mind! You can imagine Alex’s face when he walked into this. I assured him that it would be ok! Lol
My side
My side: AFTER
Alex’s side: AFTER
I even reorganized the top of our bathroom counter!

Now that I have the entire thing moved over, things are much more organized and the pluggins at my new sink are working out beautifully!  We are still adjusting to our new sinks!  Of course after I got this completed and it was time to hang it up…there were not any studs close enough to the mirror for me to hang it up but I did it on the wall behind me.  Needless to say there was no need to switch sides in the end but at least I got it purged and organized!

So here is the tutorial for making your own framed makeup artwork:

Items needed: Frame  Metal sheets  Magnets Scrapbook Paper Hot glue
Items needed:
Metal sheets
Scrapbook Paper
Hot glue

If you want to do all or more makeup, I would go with a bigger frame.  This one was just an 8×10 frame that I found at Hobby Lobby.  I only wanted to do a small version because I do not use most of my other makeup unless I get a wild hair.  The metal sheets I found at Michaels and two of them fit my 8×10 frame perfectly.  The other tutorials I found for this took out the glass and modpodged the paper to the metal piece.  I just happened to try it with the glass so if I get sick of the paper I chose, I could always switch it out.  You can find metal sheets at Lowe’s or Home Depot that they can cut to the frame size you go with that would probably be a stronger hold for the magnets.  If I were to do it over again I would have done that.  Honestly I was being kind of lazy by just using the ones from Michaels but they worked so I am ok with that!  Also make sure that you get magnets with a strong hold.  They have all different strengths available.  The stronger the magnet, the more likely it is going to stick better!

Cut the scrapbook paper to the size of frame that you chose.
Cut the scrapbook paper to the size of frame that you chose.
After placing the scrapbook paper in the picture frame, Place the metal sheets behind it and place the back of the frame and you are ready to go!
After placing the scrapbook paper in the picture frame, Place the metal sheets behind it and place the back of the frame and you are ready to go!
Before gluing all of the magnets to your makeup, it is a good idea to make sure the magnets are going to stick.
Before gluing all of the magnets to your makeup, it is a good idea to make sure the magnets are going to stick.
Last glue magnets on the back of your makeup to place on the frame.  I did have to do 2 magnets on some of the heavier things such as the foundation.
Last glue magnets on the back of your makeup to place on the frame. I did have to do 2 magnets on some of the heavier things such as the foundation.
I used a plastic shot glass with a magnet to hold my brushes and that worked out well!  On other tutorials some used an old medicine bottle and painted it to go with the scrapbook paper colors.
I used a plastic shot glass with a magnet to hold my brushes and that worked out well! On other tutorials some used an old medicine bottle and painted it to go with the scrapbook paper colors.

This has worked out really well and I love having everything right there for me.  I worried about traveling with it but the magnets can be pried off pretty easily so no big deal!  Let me know what you think and Happy Crafting!