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Plants Plants Plants

I have never been one to be able to keep plants alive until the last couple years.  I wanted to share some of my plants that I enjoy keeping around the house!  Someday I hope to have a backyard that is full of plants and flowers like my Grandma Bloesser’s!

Hens and chicks are one of my new favorite things to plant.  I love watching the little chicks pop up!  I have had friends say they remind them of a vegetable, but I think these succulents are beautiful!  They just spread out all over the place!
Hens and chicks are one of my new favorite things to plant. I love watching the little chicks pop up! I have had friends say they remind them of a vegetable, but I think these succulents are beautiful! They just spread out all over the place!
Here is a picture of what the hens and chicks looked like a few months ago.  They got to the point that I had to pick them off and replant them somewhere else.
Here is a picture of what the hens and chicks looked like a few months ago.  They got to the point that I had to pick them off and replant them somewhere else.
Sweet potato vine is a really beautiful plant.  This year they spread so much I couldn't believe it!  I love the variety in colors and my grandma helped me plant these the first year and did a mixture of both, so I have continued that on this year.  Look at it crawling along the house!
Sweet potato vine is a really beautiful plant.  This year they spread so much I couldn’t believe it!  I love the variety in colors and my grandma helped me plant these the first year and did a mixture of both, so I have continued that on this year. Look at it crawling along the house!
I bought a cute wire chair from Hobby Lobby this summer that holds a plant.  I believe that I planted 2 sweet potato plants in. Next year, I think I will stick with one here because it was so full, you can't see the cute chair behind all that vine!  It spread beautifully.
I bought a cute wire chair from Hobby Lobby this summer that holds a plant. I planted 2 sweet potato plants in. Next year, I think I will stick with one here because it was so full, you can’t see the cute chair behind all that vine!  It spread beautifully.
Look at the picture above at how much my roses have grown since we planted them!  The rose bush on the right had a hard time taking root at first.  It looked a bit wilted and would not produce roses at first.  I am glad it finally took over and have had some beautiful roses this year!
Look at the picture above at how much my roses have grown since we planted them!  The rose bush on the right had a hard time taking root at first.  It looked a bit wilted and would not produce roses at first.  I am glad it finally took over and have had some beautiful roses this year!!
This is a sedum plant that Alex's mom planted when he bought the house.  It seems to get bigger every year!  (Note the hedge apple.  This plant attracts a lot of flies, since they are natural insecticides, I grabbed one on the trail.  I don't think it works)
This is a sedum plant that Alex’s mom planted when he bought the house.  It seems to get bigger every year!  (Note the hedge apple. This plant attracts a lot of flies, since they are natural insecticides, I grabbed one on the trail. I don’t think it works)
Last year, I planted some tall grass and geraniums in our Nebraska flowerpot.  This year, I decided to try something new.  I first tried some gerber daises, but they were frying themselves due to the sun beating down on them all day long.  I moved them to another pot under a tree and they like that much better.  This is where I had to learn to do my research before I decide where they go.  This plant is a VooDoo Star.  I picked them because they are Nebraska colors and I loved the red and white star look they have!
Last year, I planted some tall grass and geraniums in our Nebraska flowerpot.  This year, I decided to try something new.  I first tried some gerber daises, but they were frying themselves due to the sun beating down on them all day long.  I moved them to another pot under a tree and they like that much better.  This is where I had to learn to do my research before I decide where they go.  This plant is a VooDoo Star.  I picked them because they are Nebraska colors and I loved the red and white star look they have! Click on the picture to check out my tutorial on the Nebraska flowerpot.
My gerber daisies are much happier under the shade of our huge locust tree in the back yard.
My gerber daisies are much happier under the shade of our huge locust tree in the back yard.

What are some plants that you enjoy planting every year?  Someday I will tackle a vegetable garden, but after my epic fail of a tomato plant last year, I am not quite ready!




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DIY Laundry Cream

I have been wanting to try a homemade laundry detergent for awhile. About a month ago, I found a recipe that I decided was a must try. I have been waiting to blog about it, because I wanted to see how well it worked first. I love that this is not a 5 gallon bucket recipe that I would have to store in my small laundry room. Who has extra room for that? This is a concentrated recipe that is more of a cream and it only takes 1-2 Tablespoons per load! It also makes two 1 quart jars, which I have room for!

The recipe I used was from a post on Budget101.


1 Fels Naptha Bar
1 cup Super Washing Soda
1 cup Mule Borax
4 cups water
2 1 quart mason jars with lids

IMG_2917-0.JPG Grate the Fels Naptha bar with a cheese grater.

Melt soap and water over medium heat, stirring constantly. This should take about 15 minutes or so. Make sure it dissolved completely before the next step.

Mix the Borax and Washing Soda in a bowl.

Remove from heat and stir in the Borax and Washing Soda mixture. Mix thoroughly.

Pour equal amounts into two 1 quart jars. Then fill with water to about 1 1/2 inches from the top.

After securing the lids, set them upside down and set a timer for 4 hours to let the detergent set up.

This is what your detergent should look like after the four hours is up.

Use a spoon to push the white part down and attach the blade of your blender to the jar as shown in the picture. I had no idea you could do this!

Blend until the detergent gets nice and creamy.

Do the same to the other jar and here is the final product.

I even slapped a label on it to make it look legit!

Run the water and scoop Tablespoon of the cream letting the water run over the spoon as it fills. Toss the clothes in and you are on your way to some clean clothes!

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Circus Fun!

I love creating new items for my shop!  A girl from my hometown, Erika, messaged me a few weeks ago and asked about making a few banners and some invitations for her daughter’s first birthday.  I was excited to hear she is planning a circus themed party, which means I was going to get to design a new theme for my shop!  I was so happy with the way the invites and banners turned out, I had to share!

Here is the circus tent invite that I created in my Silhouette Studio.  I love that the tent opens up and the invite information is inside the big top!
Here is the circus tent invite that I created in my Silhouette Studio. I love that the tent opens up and the invite information is inside the big top!
This is what the invitation looks like on the inside.
This is what the invitation looks like on the inside.
Here is one of the banners that will be hung up at the party.  These clowns are adorable!  Thank you Collective Creation for the amazing digital clip art set I purchased for this theme.
Here is one of the banners that will be hung up at the party. These clowns are adorable! Thank you Collective Creation for the amazing digital clip art set I purchased for this theme.
Happy 1st Birthday Kauvia!
Happy 1st Birthday Kauvia!

The clip art for this theme was purchased from an Etsy shop called Collective Creations.

Thank you Erika for the order!  I hope it is all that you imagined it would be!  I had a lot of fun making it!  If you are in need of anything party related, please visit my shop SavorEachSecond and message me to start your custom order today!  I am always looking for new themes to create!



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Fabric Bunting

Here is my first stab at making a fabric banner.  I used left over fabric from the curtains my grandma made me for my classroom a few years ago.
Here is my first stab at making a fabric banner. I used left over fabric from the curtains my grandma made me for my classroom a few years ago.

I am now making fabric bunting in my Etsy Shop!  The idea is to get a picture of the baby’s bedding and make it to match.  Then the bunting has dual purpose as decoration for a shower and then can be hung in the nursery after!

Here is the bedding for my friends Ramon and Sarah for their baby boy due next month!
Here is the bedding for my friends Ramon and Sarah for their baby boy due next month!
Here is the bunting that I made them for his room!  I haven't sent it yet, so if you are reading this....SURPRISE!
Here is the bunting that I made them for his room! I haven’t sent it yet, so if you are reading this….SURPRISE!
Here is the bedding for my friend Ashlee's baby girl!  Check back for a post about her baby shower invites and some of the baby shower decorations that I am doing!
Here is the bedding for my friend Ashlee’s baby girl! Check back for a post about her baby shower invites and some of the baby shower decorations that I am doing!
Here is the bunting for Ashlee's nursery!
Here is the bunting for Ashlee’s nursery!
My neighbor Judy is getting ready for her first grand baby!  I did her shower decorations which I will be posting soon!
My neighbor Judy is getting ready for her first grand baby! I did her shower decorations which I will be posting soon!
This is the bunting for Lucy's room.  Her mom is adding navy as an accent color.  I think it is going to look so cute!
This is the bunting for Lucy’s room. Her mom is adding navy as an accent color. I think it is going to look so cute!

If you have an upcoming baby shower or new baby that needs some bunting click here to check out my Etsy listing for a custom fabric banner!