So everyone keeps telling me we are crazy, but Alex and I have decided we are going to cloth diaper Avery. I am really excited! It is going to save us money and is better for the environment! I have been doing a ton of research and am ready to hit the ground running with the whole thing. Now we just need a baby!
What about all the extra laundry? I have this question all the time. To tell you the truth, we will have an extra load of laundry every 2-3 days. I don’t see that as much of a hassle as I feel like I do laundry all the time anyways…what’s an extra load twice a week?
Babies that are cloth diapered tend to have less diaper rashes and less blowouts. I will have to write an update post once we get started to let you know how it goes! There are so many groups out there as support systems and I am already getting lots of advice and we haven’t even started yet!
I decided if we are going to be washing diapers, why not make some cloth wipes to throw in as well. We can save more money by using them and they will just go in with the diaper load! There are many solutions out there that you can use with them, but I am going to just try a squirt bottle with plain water at first because many of my cloth diaper mommy groups have vouched that plain water works just fine!
DIY Cloth Wipes
2 yards coordinating flannel
matching thread
rotary mat and cutter
sewing machine

These were so easy and cheap too! Using 2 yards to make 2 ply wipes at 7×7″, there were exactly 30 wipes. I hit up Joann’s when they were having a sale and purchased 4 yards @ $2.79 a yard. That means I made 60 wipes for only $11.16!