Alex and I have been working hard to get back on the bandwagon of eating healthy and being active. We have been doing really well for the past few weeks. I feel like when I am eating good, I am feeling good. That does not mean I don’t indulge in the things that I love! If I eat better during the week, I don’t feel so bad when I do indulge a little here and there. I have been going back to boxing and feeling SORE and amazing! Alex tried boxing out with me last week. He loved it! It is a really good workout and will whip your ass into shape quick! I think he is going to sign up and go with me on Saturdays! It is so much fun getting out and doing something like that together. Since summer school is over, I have been making it my job to get up, go to boxing and walk the pups when I get home before it gets too hot.

Alex actually just started playing in a mens softball league. He has talked about how much he wanted to play softball again for a LONG time now! We met some people at a pool party and now he found a team! I have been helping him practice pitching and playing catch! I like it because it is a time for us to get out and do something good for us! Today poor Chloe took a hit to the head while watching us practice before his game tonight….poor babe! She loves to think she is part of the game!
We have been going strong on a salad kick for the past few weeks. Alex could eat salad everyday all day. I sometimes need a little more but I have noticed the more yummy salad ingredients I come up with, the easier it is to eat them everyday. We have been grilling chicken for salads for the past week and it was time to switch it up. This was the perfect meal to fuel my man before his big game!