So despite things being pretty crazy in my life lately…I felt like I needed to have a little blog post about my babies! I thought it would be fun to go through some pictures to reminisce a bit. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am crazy about my babies! I have been since the day I got them. After graduating from college I decided it was time to get a dog. Chloe was the cutest baby!! We spent every minute together. Chloe has taught me so much about life. I love her more than anything and I cannot imagine what life will be like when she is not with me anymore. I hate to think about it but I know that it is inevitable so I make sure to treasure every moment I have with her. She is such a sweet spirit and so full of energy. She doesn’t want to miss out on anything!
Even at 8 years old, Chloe would play all day long if she could! Don’t get me wrong…she loves her nap time but even when she is sleeping she will wake up alert to the sound of a toy! Chloe loves her toys. She knows their names and will go get the. If you ask her to. She goes through her favorites but she never seems to forget one! She is very smart and such a sweetheart!

She definitely loves her mama as she is always by my side. I can remember a time this year when I was sick and in bed for almost 4 days straight and she didn’t leave my side! Chloe doesn’t only take care of me, but she also takes care of her baby sister, Mia. I had Chloe for about 9 months before I was itching for another one. (I always say Shitzus are like Pringles you can’t just have one!) I felt bad leaving her in the kennel when I was at work all day and I just knew she needed a friend. So along came Mia in March of 2006. I got her from the same breeder that I got Chloe but different parents. Originally I wanted a black and white Shitzu to compliment Chloe’s brown and white coat. The lady I got them from said she had some rare all black Shitzus that I might like.

I was in love! Mia was jut as sweet as could be. Having a second dog sounded so overwhelming to everyone but I was up for the challenge. It did not go quite how I had expected though. Chloe did not seem to mind having a friend but Mia was not “bonding” with me like a normal pup would. When I got her she had ear mites and I had to give her drops and she HATED that! She would growl at me and wouldn’t really come to me. I even called the breeder and told her I wasn’t sure it was going to work. I didn’t want to get rid of her but it was almost like she didn’t like me! It was heartbreaking but we made it through and now she is quite the mama’s baby!

It’s funny how different they are though. Chloe is bouncy an bubbly and very social and Mia reminds me more of a sloth! She is lazy and rarely likes to play. She has her moments but she is kind of a snot! I always say she’s more like a cat trapped in a doggy body! She loves to lay in the window and sunbathe while she sleeps her whole days away!

Mia may be lazy but she is definitely ready to get into trouble. Last summer we grilled a ton of chicken quarters for supper. We went out to toss the softball around for awhile outside. When we walked in the door I chewed Alex out for giving Chloe a chicken bone. He was like I didn’t give her anything. Turns out little Miss Mia got up on a chair and hopped up on the table and devoured all of the chicken. Chloe got caught red handed but I am convinced she was just finishing what Mia had started. Either way, both dogs had eaten ALL but 2 of the 8 chicken quarters that were on the table…bone and all! We were pissed but I was more worried than mad because here my little babies just are a bunch of chicken bones! That is one thing I knew they were not supposed to have in case they choked! There was nothing I could do for them and I could tell Mia had her fair share because she didn’t act like she felt well at all.

Needless to say I did not sleep well that night; not did we get leftovers for lunch the next day! I was still serving at Red Lobster at the time and Alex was home with the dogs the next day. They made it through the night ok so I figured we were out of the woods. Alex was working in his office that morning and he heard Chloe screaming and screeching for help. When he got downstairs Mia was on the couch in a puddle of vomit and chicken bones. He said she was unresponsive and he picked her up and she fell back and whatever was lodged in her throat came out. For a minute he said he thought to himself…”I’m going to have to put my mouth on this dog!” Luckily there was no need for the hemlich and it all worked out. I was so relieved to find out that she was okay and that Chloe helped save the day! She’s my own little Lassie dog!

Alex says that they are the ying and yang of my personality. Chloe is my perky side and Mia is my lazy (and occasionally bitchy!) side. I cannot imagine not having them both! They are truly like my kiddos and I love them unconditionally. If you have a pet I can imagine you know the feeling and it is amazing! Mia is sitting in my lap right now as I am typing this up!