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Cowgirl Taters

Coming home from work today, I was trying to decide what I was going to make for dinner.  I wanted something easy but since I had a PB&J for lunch I was hungry for something hearty!  Sloppy Joes made the cut tonight and I figured it was the perfect time to blog about one of my favorite side dishes.  This side dish is inspired by my amazing step dad Troyboy!  Troy is a pretty mean cook and makes the best cowboy taters that he makes almost every time I am back home.  I have been making these for awhile but since I am trying to eat clean, I wanted to see if I could tweak it to save some calories.  I decided I would call them “Cowgirl Taters” since they are made with sweet potatoes!

Troyboy and I out and about in KC for my 29th birthday!
Troyboy and I out and about in KC for my 29th birthday!

I have blogged about how much I love sweet potatoes before and I meant every word of it!  They are so good for you and packed full of Vitamin A.  It is funny because I am amazed at how much my tastebuds have changed over the years.  (Alex would beg to differ because I do not always like to try new things but I get braver the older I get!)  I eat a lot of things these days that I would have never ate as a child.  Mushrooms, onions, peppers, avocado, and sushi to name a few…  If you were a picky eater as a child, I challenge you to try new things!  You may surprise yourself!

It seems like the sweet potatoes we always get are HUGE!  One is plenty for the 2 of us but if you are cooking for more you will need to double it.  Also, I only used about 3/4 of the onion.  The rest I threw in with the Sloppy Joes.
It seems like the sweet potatoes we always get are HUGE! One is plenty for the 2 of us but if you are cooking for more you will need to double it. Also, I only used about 3/4 of the onion. The rest I threw in with the Sloppy Joes.



1 large sweet potato

1 medium red onion, minced

2 minced garlic cloves

olive oil

salt & pepper


Chop up the sweet potato and toss into a med/high heated skilled with a drizzle of olive oil.  Toss in minced onion and garlic along with some salt and pepper.  Saute uncovered until potatoes are thoroughly cooked.  Enjoy!

So yummy!
So yummy!




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