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Snow Day


Getting bundled up!
Getting bundled up!

So here I am on my 4th snow day in the past 2 weeks. I miss my kiddos and I am starting to get a bit stir crazy so I have been getting a lot of cleaning, Pinteresting, reading, and blogging done!  I woke up early and did Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred.  I have been doing it for the past week and really liking it.  I had to put the half marathon training on a small pause since I have been so sick.  My lungs just haven’t been ready.  I actually got a treadmill workout in too this am.  I ran a mile and then ended up putting it on an incline at a fast walk.

Snow Day!
Snow Day!

After my workout I took the girls outside to run around a bit while I scooped the fresh snow off the driveway…(Mind you all of this is happening before 7:00 this morning!)  When I came inside Alex was getting around for work and I was on my way upstairs to finish my spring cleaning I did yesterday.  (You would not believe how many projects I had going yesterday!  AND today for that matter!  Keep your eye out for a Spring Cleaning blogpost!)  When I finished cleaning I decided to shovel off the back porch since Alex had done that twice already.  I started with the porch and made my way down the stairs.


I got to thinking about something one of my students said to me coming back from our first 2 snow days Monday, before Blizzard of Oz Part II.  I check my kids in every morning before school.  I always have a little conversation with each kid before they start their day.  I like to ask them what they did over the weekend or how their night was.  One of my kiddos said that he made a snow fort and he was super excited about it.  While I was scooping and scooping I thought to myself…When was the last time you played in the snow?  I honestly couldn’t recall.  It was before middle school I am sure.  I used to spend hours playing in the snow as a kid.  I tried to get Alex to build one with me yesterday and he wasn’t having it.  We had two good 30 minute shoveling sessions of the driveway within a 4 day range and he just wanted to be done.  I get it…but today I wanted to do something fun!

Took me 2 hours and I had such a blast! When I came in I was freezing and wet but I felt great!

So I decided to build a snow flip flop!  It was very therapeutic for me as I have had a lot going on in life lately.  Working out is a great outlet for me but punching and sculpting the snow was even better!  I have been freaking out about my 30th birthday lately and stressed out about money (as usual) and wearing myself out in the snow reminded me just how creative I can be.  How cool will it be to show the kids the flipflop that I created right in my backyard.  I tell them all the time they can do anything if they put their minds to something and I need to remember to tell myself that too.  I really want to get my blog out there and start getting some revenue from doing all of the things that I love. If you have not read my letter to Ellen that I posted last week click here.  I also tweeted her to try to get her attention.  As I formed my snow sculpture I thought well I could always keep tweeting her to see if she notices me!  I can tend to be very determined when I set my mind to something so I figure I will keep it up.  Thats what social media is for right?!

Built by yours truly!
Built by yours truly!




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