I decided that today I was going to do my first blog about a Pinterest Project. Amber’s Craft Studio is almost ready to go! Today I went to MAJ-R Thrift and found a gem of a chair to recover for a whopping $7.99 and I was getting tired of the stool that I had in there. I wanted something that would support this ol’ lady’s back while I am blogging and crafting away! I liked the stool because it was a gift from my grandma and it matched the bedding I have in my craft studio. So I thought….well I have been looking for a computer chair and I don’t want to spend $34.99 for one from Walmart. I had some pillow cases that came with my bedding that were perfect to recover the chair….Check it out!

I was stressing out because most of the pins I had found on Pinterest did not have EXACT instructions because all chairs are different. That is why I had not ever messed with doing this before. I actually have some zebra print fabric left over from my milk crate chairs that would look great on my chair at my teacher table! (Note to self: Do this to that chair!) The pin that I ended up using was from a blog called Yellow House on 3rd. She gave good instructions that were easy to follow. The worst part for me was making sure that I had all of the screwdrivers that I needed and after a quick sweep of the house I found all that I needed!

I have just spent a lot of money getting my craft area ready to go and my checkbook is off limits so I was trying to do something literally DIRT cheap. Alex had also fixed my new Mac up with all the bells and whistles…Apple’s Magic Mouse and all! He found another monitor so I can have dual monitors…. #lovehavingatechbf We were still trying to find some speakers and a chair. Well MAJ-R Thrift was good to me and had $2.99 speakers…CAN’T BEAT THAT! I don’t need anything fancy. They have a little bit of a buzz but I don’t notice over my music because I am jammin!

Tomorrow I should be finished getting the essential setup complete. It will not be done until I have my dual monitors set up! I will definitely post a picture of it tomorrow…Until then…. #savoreachsecond